Take our Jamoca® ice cream, add roasted almonds and a chocolate flavoured ribbon. Feel your taste buds buzz!
Gluten-free: our definition of a gluten-conscious menu item is a food or beverage made without gluten-containing ingredients.
Take our Jamoca® ice cream, add roasted almonds and a chocolate flavoured ribbon. Feel your taste buds buzz!
Gluten-free: our definition of a gluten-conscious menu item is a food or beverage made without gluten-containing ingredients.
Prenez notre crème glacée Jamoca®, ajoutez des amandes grillées et un ruban aromatisé au chocolat. Sentez vos papilles gustatives vibrer !
Sans gluten : notre définition d'un article de menu sans gluten est un aliment ou une boisson fabriqué sans ingrédients contenant du gluten.