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Listing Owners: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The Dessert Advisor owner support page is here to answer any questions you might have as the proprietor of a dessert place!

Yes, it’s totally free. You can place as many business listings as you own and as many products as you wish.

We are a new community. We are confident that you will start hearing about us in the coming months as we continue to grow. In the meantime, we suggest that you review your listing and you will start hearing from foodies that are part of the Dessert Advisor community.

  • Reach new clientele
  • Gain better visibility for your goods
  • Be involved in a community that cares about delicious products

  • First, verify that your business is listed in our community by searching here.
  • Second, once you find your business listing and it’s yet to be claimed, simply click on ‘Claim a Listing’.
  • Make sure to verify your ownership of the business, so that foodies in the community will be assured that the information posted on your listing is correct.
  • Add about 10 products with photos. The more products you post, the more exposure you receive.
  • Suggest ideas, posts, tips, photos, and video clips that indicate your expertise. To suggest content, please email here.

  • We focus on desserts, baked goods, and snack products only.
  • It’s the only site that allows you to show off your products.
  • Apart from our editorial team, the only contributors that would be allowed to share content are experts, like you, in the field of desserts and baked goods.
  • We care about your industry and we want you to be successful, especially in the post-COVID-19 era.

It is very simple. You need to prepare:

  • Photos of two different official documents that indicate that you are the sole or part owner of the business.
  • Photos of your top 10 selling products.

The Dessert Advisor team must ensure that the person that is claiming a listing is actually the owner of the business. It’s a measure we have put in place to protect businesses from any fraudulent activity. Without these documents, we will not be able to verify your business. Please take clear photos of those documents and upload them to us. If you have any further questions, please email here because, at the end of the day, we look forward to seeing your business claimed and verified.

If you cannot find your business and your business offers dessert, baked goods, or snacks, please register your business by clicking here.

We highly suggest adding your products with photos, as listings with photos usually attract more potential clients. If you do not have photos, we suggest that you place your products on a nice plate (preferably white - to create contrast) and use your cellular phone to take a clear photo of each of your products. In the future, if you wish to replace them with updated professional photos, you will be able to do so at any time.

Usually, it should not take more than 2-3 business days, as long as we received all the required information. If we are missing information or if you have a certain concern, please contact us.

The best way to contact us is by email or through our contact us page. We make an effort to respond within 24-48 hours.

We hope we have cleared up any confusion or questions you may have had! However, we understand if you have more particular or unique concerns.

If you were unable to find the answer to your question on the Dessert Advisor owner support page, feel free to contact us. We are more than happy to assist you and we look forward to seeing you become part of our community.

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